



Starting Our New Century with a Focus on Access

Every year, thousands of talented and promising young people come to the George Washington University with a desire to change the world. But not every future leader has the same opportunity.

Let's Open Doors



Third Century Scholarship Endowment Match promotion with image of students studying outside of Gelman Library.



Philanthropy Spotlight

New Endowed Scholarship Fund Creates Paths to Opportunity

The belief that education can be a positive force for change and social mobility is what motivated GW...

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High (Tech) Touch

When tragedy strikes, people are often inspired to develop solutions that prevent others from suffering...

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Student Spotlight: Jordan Williams, SEAS ’17

Jordan Williams chose GW because the school gave him the platform to be his whole self, a “...

AT&T Names GW Center for Indigenous Politics and Policy

With its location in the heart of the nation’s cap­ital, the George Washington University offers unpar­...

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A Healthy Investment

The first recipients of an endowed nursing scholarship share their stories and future plans....