Science and Engineering Hall


Professor Megan Leftwich works with students in a SEAS lab.


The Science and Engineering Hall bolsters the work of four schools through an interdisciplinary environment where scientists work alongside experts in medicine, engineering, public health, and basic sciences to develop prevention strategies and cures. Open research corridors
enhance real-time learning, and flexible and multifunctional study and convening spaces foster idea exchange and camaraderie. Additionally, the floor features state-of-the-art core facilities needed to conduct
advanced public health and medical research.

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SEH open space designed to foster a sense of collaboration.

Public Health Advances at SEH

Aimed at tackling today’s most pressing environmental and health
issues, Milken Institute SPH’s 7th Floor research operation features labs
for virology/HIV/AIDS, HPV/cervical cancer, antibiotic resistance, and
environmental and occupational health. These research focus areas at
Milken Institute SPH allow the school to have a positive impact on public
health problems and diseases that affect populations around the world.

Dr Sotomayor

Cancer Research at SEH

The Science and Engineering Hall enables cancer researchers to work side by side with engineers and scientists from throughout the university.
The multi-disciplinary collaboration fostered by this new space will bring breakthrough innovations in cancer diagnosis and treatment.


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Volker Sorger, Electrical & Computer Engineering

“The Science and Engineering Hall raises the profile of GW’s engineering programs, enables us to expand joint research with industry partners, and facilitates the development of important new and topical courses such as green engineering. In addition, features of the new facility—such as a clean room—stimulate strategic and cross-disciplinary collaboration and provide the opportunity to showcase exciting new technologies in
a cutting-edge setting.”

prof dowd

Cynthia Dowd, Organic and Medicinal Chemistry

"The openness of the space–with no walls separating faculty–will facilitate enhanced communications and idea sharing amongst many different groups, which will in turn foster greater innovation. I’m thrilled to see science and engineering as integral parts of the university’s agenda, with increasing visibility through the [Science and Engineering Hall]. It’s a great time to be at GW.”