Milken Institute School of Public Health

GWSPH researchers at work.


Public health impacts all of us: how long we live, the quality of our lives, our sense of well-being, and the wellness of our children and our children’s children. The challenges we face and the problems we need to solve are formidable, but the tools and technology we have at hand and a growing appreciation of our work means the winds are in our favor.

Milken Institute School of Public Health is attracting the best students in our history who come to learn from and work with faculty who possess knowledge, skill, and real-world experience.

Our faculty’s expertise and our location in D.C. provide enormous exposure to public health issues and pave the way for us to influence public health policy.

This is the best time in history to work in public health and there’s no better place to do it than at GW.

Support Milken Institute SPH

To learn more:

Email [email protected] or call (202) 994-7511.

GWSPH Doctoral Hooding

Support Passion and Commitment to Public Health

Men and women choose public health because they want to save lives and create a better future for everyone. The school seeks significant support for scholarships in order to compete more effectively with other schools of public health. We must increase the numbers of doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows who work side-by-side with our faculty and contribute to our educational programs.

Prepare top students for lives of service

GWSPH faculty work in innovative ways to improve public health, like the Text-to-Quit program.

Commit to Maintaining Strong Faculty

As we rise in the rankings, we compete with top national and international institutions to attract and retain the best faculty. We must recruit scholars in women’s health, HIV/AIDs research and prevention, environmental health and sustainability, chronic disease epidemiology, health economics, and prevention.

Learn more about how endowed faculty can help advance public health

GWSPH hosts public health policy leaders to guide discussions in the field.

Bring the World to GW

Our state-of-the-art, LEED-certified facility provides classrooms, faculty offices, and space to convene the global public health community.  Support for the building provides labs, offices, classrooms, and meeting space with the technology that enables our faculty and students to create and share innovative ideas.

Give now to support our facilities 

A Veteran Committed to Public Health and Empowering Women

"Every professor I've had at GW has been always willing to take their own personal time to mentor and to give of themselves and develop us not just academically, but also professionally and personally." - Maggie Sexton, Class of 2013



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