Council Members Make History at SEAS

October 14, 2015

Advisory councils and boards are critical to the support of the Making History Campaign. They give of their time, expertise, and resources to important school initiatives and advise the faculty and deans on strategic planning and academic direction. They help raise the profile of the university while engaging alumni and raising money for students and faculty.

Through a series of videos, School of Engineering and Applied Science council members share their experiences as donors and advisors to the school. In the following two videos, donors Aran Hegarty and David Karlgaard share why they give and what making history means to them. 

Aran Hegarty, MS ’97; President, Hegarty Research LLC

[video: width:560 height:315 align:center lightbox_title:Aran Hegarty SEAS ]


David Karlgaard, DSc ’74; Retired CEO, PEC Solutions; GW Trustee

[video: width:560 height:315 align:center lightbox_title:David Karlgaard SEAS]