Cisneros Recipients Say ‘Thank You’

July 12, 2016

Meet Abril, Victoria, Guillermo, and Isaac. They are the first GW students to benefit from the Cisneros scholarships and the Cisneros Hispanic Leadership Institute.

Gilbert Cisneros, BA ’94, and his wife, Jacki, made a $7 million endowed gift that created the Cisneros Hispanic Leadership Institute, which provides high school juniors with pre-college leadership programs as well as mentorships and training for GW students. The funds also provide up to 20 scholarships for GW students who demonstrate a commitment to leadership and community service and have aspirations to give back to the Hispanic community.

[video: width:560 height:315 align:center lightbox_title:Abril Castro, Cisneros]

[video: width:560 height:315 align:center lightbox_title:Victoria Kyauka, Cisneros]

[video: width:560 height:315 align:center lightbox_title:Guillermo Martinez, Cisneros]

[video: width:560 height:315 align:center lightbox_title:Isaac Reynoso, Cisneros]